Reserved Matters Scheme for Mulberry Homes at Launton, in Cherwell District.
RDC were pleased to be commissioned by Mulberry Homes to produce a Reserved Matters scheme for their development at Launton, in Cherwell District.
The site was subject to a number of constraints that needed to be resolved such as attenuation requirements, retained landscape, neighbour issues and flood zones. Resolution of these constraints resulted in an interesting layout with plenty of movement and a pleasing curve to the main access road, fronting onto public open space. Intimate courts were positioned behind the frontage plots.
With approximately 50% of the site within flood zone 3 a generous amount of public open space was provided which also included a community garden with small allotment plots.
The frontage to the site is made up of a row of simple cottages set behind a pond, which contributes to the pleasant and rural feel to the site. The appearance of the site is very distinctive with the majority of the dwellings constructed in stone and many benefitting from views over the verdant public open space.
More photos from this development below: